






Metabolic Optimization and Simulation Tool

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Installing MOST

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Installing MOST


Java version 1.7 or greater. java.com/en/download.
To determine if Java is installed and the installed version, click here. This is unnecessary for Macintosh since Java is included in the installation package.

After running MOST, if the error message below is displayed when starting up MOST:

Image - Launch Error

click OK to close the error message and start MOST. When the program appears, click Options -> Set GLPK Properties (Alt+O then Alt+L), then click the "Reset to Defaults" button (Alt+R) then click the OK button (Alt+O or Enter). The error message will no longer be displayed.


Extract the zip into a folder and double-click the MOST.jar file to run MOST.
MOST requires a Mixed Integer Linear Program solver (MILP) to run FBA and GDBB. MOST includes GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit), and Ipopt (Interior Point OPTimizer), both of which are free solvers. See Select Solvers for more information on solvers. Gurobi is free for academic use and can also be used by MOST as a solver.

Installing Gurobi for Windows:

Gurobi installation instructions can be found at http://www.gurobi.com/documentation/.


For MOST to be able to find Gurobi, it needs to be in your system path. Please open up an command prompt (press command-R; type cmd; and hit enter) and, in the prompt, enter gurobi. This should put you into the gurobi environment. You can also, in the command prompt, enter set. There should be, under Path, an entry that says c:\gurobi652\win64\bin. If not, then you may need to reinstall gurobi.


Extract the gzip compressed file. MOST can be run from the command line using the java command:
java -jar MOST.jar
in the directory where the gzip was uncompressed.
MOST requires a Mixed Integer Linear Program solver (MILP) to run FBA and GDBB. MOST can use either GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit), a free solver, or Gurobi which is free for academic use.

Installing GLPK for Linux:

MOST can use the Free GLPK solver for Linux. GLPK is a mixed integer and linear solver freely available as a package for most linux distributions. In addition, the GLPK for Java interface must also be installed. This can be done either through the package manager or through apt-get via the terminal using the following command.
sudo apt-get install libglpk36 libglpk-java
Source: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/GLPK/Linux_packages

Installing Gurobi for Linux:

Gurobi installation instructions can be found at http://www.gurobi.com/documentation/.


Extract the zip into a folder and double-click the MOST.jar file to run MOST. To use the Ipopt solver with Macintosh, GFortran needs to be installed.

Installing Gurobi for Mac:

Gurobi installation instructions can be found at http://www.gurobi.com/documentation/.